Leading Up to Claiming Williams 2009
Hooking Up, Effortless Perfection, and Sexual Violence:
Understanding College Social Culture
September 22 and 23, 2008
Dr. Donna Lisker ’88 is Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education at Duke University. Prior to that, she served as Director of the Duke University Women’s Center for 8 years. She founded and co-directs the Baldwin Scholars, a four-year undergraduate women’s leadership program at Duke University (http://baldwinscholars.duke.edu). A native of Philadelphia, Lisker received her B.A. from Williams College and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before coming to Duke, she worked at Virginia Tech as Assistant Director of the Women’s Center. She has published several articles on college and university women’s centers, and her recent research focuses on undergraduate social culture, and on gender and sports. She is an avid masters rower (a sport she first learned at Williams as an undergraduate).
Martin Liccardo is the Assistant Coordinator for Sexual Assault Support Services at the Duke University Women’s Center. He received his B.S. degree in Women’s Studies from the University of Utah in 2002. After graduating Martin worked as a Hospital Response Team member and Community Educator for the Salt Lake Rape Recovery Center and a Program Coordinator for the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Martin moved to the East Coast to coordinate the Men’s Anti-Violence Project at the University of Maryland before accepting a position at Duke University.
Sponsored by: Health Services, The Office of Strategic Planning and Institutional Diversity, Athletics, Women and Gender Studies and Claiming Williams.