Leading Up to Claiming Williams 2009
After many years of the College working to become a community in which all members can thrive, it remains the case that there’s more to be done.
Becoming a truly inclusive community is the vital work of all who care about Williams, and an essential part of that process is understanding better the often subtle dynamics that impede progress.
Claiming Williams is our collective effort to do that.
This effort grew out of the Stand With Us Movement, in which students, faculty, and staff organized to give voice to their passion and strength to their efforts to respond to an incident last spring that was intended to erode community.
One fruit of that movement was the faculty decision to devote a day to campus-wide engagement with these issues. Claiming Williams is sponsoring events through much of the academic year but has as its centerpiece the program on Feb. 5, 2009.
The discussions that day and in all Claiming Williams activities are designed to advance our community and to help all of us function more effectively on a campus and in a world that grows increasingly diverse.
The success of this effort depends on the involvement of us all. Please use this site to help find the best ways for you to engage.
Morty Schapiro