2015 Lunchtime Dialogues: 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Claiming Williams Events, Feb 5, 2015: Lunch Time Dialogues: 12:15 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.


Working @ Williams 5 to 2: Who are We?


Goodrich Hall

It is easy to get caught up in our own lives and take no notice of the people who surround us everyday. The Williams College Facilities staff is a group of people we often overlook even though they play an integral part in our lives. They clean our personal and public spaces, repair our buildings, and shovel snow off our walkways – just to name a few of the many jobs they do for us.

Yet we hardly ever say “thank you”, or take the time to get to know them on a personal basis. What are their hobbies? What are their lives like outside of Williams? Do they have families that they are working to support? We simply forget that there are some staff members at Williams whose day reaches far beyond our purple bubble, back into their communities, their homes, and often times other jobs.

The Facilities staff is an integral part of our community. We sometimes fail to appreciate their service and often take it for granted. Have you ever wondered what a typical day is in the life of a Facilities staff member, both here and outside of Williams? If so, please join us in welcoming a group of Facilities staff as we finally give these important members of our community a voice in Claiming Williams.

 Quest Story Time

Driscoll Lounge


All are invited to Quest Story Time, a strong tradition at Williams in which students share their stories of what it means to be a Quest Scholar at Williams and of their journeys going forward. QuestBridge is a non-profit program that assists high-achieving, low-income and first-generation students in applying to prestigious colleges and universities in the United States. In this sharing of experiences, Quest Scholars and the audience engage in a powerful experience of reflection. The audience is not only allowed but encouraged to ask questions. In a diverse place such as Williams, the Quest group on campus takes great pride in sharing their unique experiences in an effort to create a more multicultural campus with fewer taboos. Speakers will include Tanzim Milkey ‘15, Samantha Troia ‘15, Rika Tucker-Shabazz ‘17, and Luis David Jaramillo ‘17. Moderated by Susie Paul ’16.

Faith, Community, and the Environment

Paresky Quiet Room

a141eb9aa61dec90e4050b9e0d327ba6690ad8bcJoin Father Gary Caster, Cantor Bob Scherr, Professor Georges Dreyfus and Carman Nareau ’16 for a panel discussion about the intersection of faith and environmental issues within our Williams community and in the wider world.  Co-sponsored by the Williams Environmental Council.

 Who is Williams? Clicker Session

Faculty House, Downstairs Lounge

70ef0ff5b0e415f3f51084cb45854d38e720a45bClickers! In this session, the audience participates by anonymously using clickers to answer a range of questions. These answers provide the basis for discussions.  The short answer questions range from issues of personal experience (Have you ever had unprotected sex?) to informational (is the national debt up or down?) to political (Do you think Hillary should run for the presidency?) The outcomes give us a sense of who we are, what we think, and what we believe, and the chance to talk about those things. Co-sponsored by History 201.

Disabled Student Voices

f6c1f129ca12a7dcb210802da1e8b3fcc2db1782Faculty House Sunporch

How are students with disabilities accommodated on campus, and how do those accommodations fall short? Though seldom acknowledged, people with disabilities exist at Williams. The school provides some accommodations, but those often fall short and fail to address the larger systems of privilege and oppression. Four students will share their stories on navigating their disabilities at Williams, and we will all discuss how we can make Williams a more inclusive space.

Local Borders Discussion

Dodd Living Room070e4e2452af927d756c1619017f521c55872731

Lunchtime Dialogue with Ben Lamb, Laini Sporbert, and Abby Rampone ’17, following the 10:45 am “Local Borders” dialogue, also in Dodd Living Room.  Attendance at both discussions is encouraged but not required. Co-sponsored by Healing Hands/Real Foods.


Debunking and Demystifying
the Media Outrage on Ebola

Dodd Gibson Room

c39d55b5f1296e7380aa8c775083f03d81edf373What are the harmful effects of the trivialization of Ebola and the stigmatization of Ebola-struck communities?  Join a panel-led discussion of the recent sensationalized media coverage of the epidemic and its social impact.  Panelists include epidemiologist Nick Wright, Jenifer Hasenfus (International students’ advisor), Ferentz Lafargue (Davis centre director), and Mavis Dankwah ‘17.