Jelani Cobb is an associate professor of history at the University of Connecticut, where he is director of the Africana Studies Institute. He is also a staff writer at the New Yorker, where he has penned a series of articles about race, the police, and injustice. His articles include “The Anger in Ferguson,” “Murders in Charleston,” and “What We Talk About When We Talk About Reparations.” He was awarded the 2015 Sidney Hillman Prize for Opinion and Analysis Journalism. The jury wrote: “Cobb met the challenge of describing the turmoil in Ferguson in a way that cut through the frantic chaos of ‘breaking news’ and deepened readers’ understanding of what they were seeing, hearing, and feeling. Ferguson was not an aberration, he showed, but a microcosm of race relations in the United States—organically connected to the complicated legacy of segregation and the unpaid debts of slavery itself. ”
11 am – 12 pm
Chapin Hall