Breakfast & Book Signing with Robin Wall Kimmerer

Thanks to all who came to the breakfast book signing!  If you had your photograph taken with Robin Wall Kimmerer, you can view it and download it by clicking here.

Meet other community members and get your book signed by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

This event is free and open to the public/ALL.  Doors open at 9:15AM.  Aside from signing books, we encourage people to stay, meet and connect with other community members!  We will be providing hot beverages and sweet breakfast treats to help get the conversation going.

We are aware that many people will wish to meet Dr. Kimmerer.  We ask you to follow the line: we will do our best to get you inside, meeting Dr. Kimmrer and enjoying a coffee and doughnut as quickly as possible.  To help ensure that all get a change to meet Dr. Kimmerer, we are asking that there are no selfies: we WILL be providing a professional photographer to help take impromptu photographs if you’d like a picture.  We will provide a link that will allow you to immediately download the image.

Payne Great Hall-Goodrich Hall

Special thanks to the Williams Gardening Club for creating Goldenrod & Aster wild seed mixes as free gifts to our book signing guests!  You’ll be able to grab a packet at the table when you get your book signed.