Buddhist teachers, Bernie Rhie and Zeffa Kinney who will provide introduction, instruction and a meal before we all eat in noble silence for 20 minutes. Be sure to indicate which dining hall you plan to attend – (Paresky or Driscoll) as we’ll provide tables/seating for number of folks choosing each location. Afterward, there will be time for digesting and sharing reflections about the experience.
Be sure to arrive at or before 12:30 so that you can get your food and be seated by 12:45 when the instruction is given.There will be approximately 20 minutes of silent, mindful eating. At 1:15 we will end the meditation and take time for sharing any reflections. If you have any questions, write Zeffa at [email protected].
12:30 – 1:30 PM in Driscoll and Paresky dining halls simultaneously! You can choose either location.