The Stories Food Tells: Social Identity, Sustainability, and Culture

Join the @williamsdailymunch and the Zilkha Center for the Environment for an afternoon of tasting, learning, and sharing with Farah Momen from Bondhu, a restaurant and community space in New Ashford, MA. Food connects us to our homes, our cultures, and each other. With that in mind, participants will be asked to reflect on food from their home and cultures. Participants will delve into a delicious meal as well as the stories about the sustainability challenges and colonialist history that enables global culinary staples to be intimately woven into our lives.

12:30 to 2:00 PM in Matt Cole Living Room, ’66 Environmental Center. Co-sponsored by Zilkha Center for the Environment and Williams Daily Munch.


Please register for your slot.  Please only register if you can commit to coming. Priority will go to students who register in advance.  We will also have a waiting list and will send an email the morning of to everyone who has registered to let you know.