Drawing from a large body of work concerning addiction, loss, grief, memory, race, privilege, and cultural reclamation, Michael will give an hour long reading of his poetry and prose followed by a Q & A. His chapbook “Secondly. Finally” will be available for purchase after the event. Sponsored by SpeakFree.
Michael Lee is a Norwegian American writer, performer and youth worker. He has received grants and scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council and Intermedia Arts. He ranked ninth at the 2011 Individual World Poetry Slam and was named the 2011 “Best Individual Poet” of Collegiate Nationals (CUPSI). Michael’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Indiana Review, Phoebe, Copper Nickel, Rattle and the Carolina Quarterly among other journals. Michael has worked as a dishwasher, a farm hand, a youth counselor, a traveling performer, and an arts programming coordinator for youth experiencing homelessness in Minneapolis. He attends the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Goodrich Hall
8 pm